24 Ekim 2018 Çarşamba

Identifying Subordinate Skills and Entry Behaviors (Week 5)

                We have analyzed the goal and determined the skills that are going to be taught. But what if the learners do not know the basic skills to learn the intended skills? At that point identifying subordinate skills come forth.
                There are several approaches to subordinate skills and entry behaviors analysis.
  • ·         Hierarchical Approach: Used to analyze individual steps in the goal analysis that are categorized as intellectual psychomotor skills. According to the text, there is also Gagne’s hierarchy skills, “..in order to learn how to perform problem-solving skills, the learner must first know how to apply the rules that are required to solve the problem.” The best question that summarizes all is: “What would the learner have to know in order to learn to do the first step in performing the goal.” So if you want to run, first you have to learn walking J
  • ·         Cluster Analysis: is a process of grouping a group variable into a group of pre-defined properties. Thus, the variables in a similar structure are combined and clustered together. It helps to better define the verbal information (“learning vocabularies in a new language”)  and reduces the number of variables.
  • ·         Attitude Goals (Entry Behaviors): Identify exactly what learners already have to know or are able to do at the beginning of the instruction.
  • ·         Combining the techniques

Instructional analysis diagrams categorize the goal and perform. It helps to select the appropriate techniques to identify the subordinate skills.

I have found a video that I want to share with you about this subject :

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Designing the Instructional Message (Week 9)

     In this chapter, Morrison, Ross, and Kemp give a detailed explanation of designing the instructional message. They divided the process...